Heavy Duty Suction Machine

  • 20L mobile suction machine high duty with caster and pedal switch suitable for surgical use

    20L mobile suction machine high duty with caster and pedal switch suitable for surgical use

    Suction Settings

    ◆Setting the suction level is a decision that the health care provider must make based on an individual assessment if the particular wound.

    ◆These general guidelines should be adhered to:

    i. 40mm-80 mm Hg is the recommended therapeutic pressure range.

    ii. Lower levels of suction are generally effective and more tolerable.

    iii. The suction level should never be painful. If the patient reports discomfort with the suction level, it should be reduced.

    Adjusting Vacuum

    ◆Vacuum may be adjusted by turning the pressure clock wisely or anti-clock wisely on the control panel. The pump will maintain the preset vacuum level without stopping until paused or switched off.

  • 30L mobile suction machine with universal caster and pedal switch suitable for surgical use

    30L mobile suction machine with universal caster and pedal switch suitable for surgical use


    ◆As a condition of use, this device should only be used by qualified and authorized personnel. The user must have the necessary specialist knowledge of the specific medical application for which it is being used.